Over the years we’ve been “wowed” by the plethora of outreach and events hosted for hundreds of thousands of community members across the globe in service to National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD). We’ve written blogs,…
Over the years we’ve been “wowed” by the plethora of outreach and events hosted for hundreds of thousands of community members across the globe in service to National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD). We’ve written blogs,…
My grandfather set the expectation that my family was surrounded by death, but untouchable by it. In his lifetime, he was a charismatic and charming man, and an improbably lucky one. He survived war, assassination…
We were together in my car one day when my mom brought up my single status (a recurrent topic of her initiation). Even though she knows I am happily single, something about me having a…
Your Conversation Starter Guide Your Guide to Choosing a Health Care Proxy Your Guide to Being a Health Care Proxy Your Guide for Talking with a Health Care Team Your Conversation Starter Guide for Caregivers…
Who should submit? When it comes to issues of mortality, all of us have a story to tell. We want to know how your identity, expertise, and personal life experiences have impacted the ways in…
When you grow up medically fragile, mortality is always on the forefront of your mind. When you grow up as one of a handful of minorities and persons with a disability in an extremely homogenous…