During the month of November, we reflected on the many things we are thankful for: community champions committed to spreading the TCP initiative, individuals supporting solo agers and groups approaching end-of-life conversations in creative ways….
During the month of November, we reflected on the many things we are thankful for: community champions committed to spreading the TCP initiative, individuals supporting solo agers and groups approaching end-of-life conversations in creative ways….
Our mission, and the mission of many who are championing TCP’s cause around the globe, is to ensure that everyone’s wishes for end of-life care are expressed and respected. Yet, one group is particularly at-risk…
To be honest, we’re not quite sure who thought to themselves, “Hey, you know what would be fun? To create a game about death!” But someone did and it seems to have ignited a wave…
October was filled with opportunities, resources and materials that prompted us to think about how one can best live out their values and ensure that their end-of-life wishes are honored. From book lists to Conversation…
People are often asking us for examples of how different professionals are using our materials. In a previous blog, TCP Champion Beth Gamel noted how she shared our resources with her cross-state study and professional…
Did you know some of our most popular teaching tools are already available in Spanish? Check out the variety of resources we have below, either in Spanish or with Spanish subtitles. Presenting The Conversation Project…