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Resource Recap and Highlights of the Month: June 2019

Posted on 07/09/2019

The month of June marked the beginning of summer! While you’re gearing up to soak in the sun, head out on family vacation or simply sit on your back porch, take advantage of this season to reflect on what matters most to you. Check out the list of resources and materials we produced in June designed to emphasize the importance of having the conversation and help you think about how The Conversation Project initiative can be brought to any setting.

Case Study and Lessons Learned from Professional Service Organizations and Community Groups

In our last quarterly community activity survey, we asked community members to share how they are planning their work (to spread the importance of end-of-life care conversations) so it continues in the long run. People all over the country offered various ideas and examples. Check out this piece that lists the five most common ways groups or individuals are ensuring their work lives on!

Ever since 2014, a spark has been ignited and is spreading across Fidelity—a financial services corporation—to integrate conversations about end-of-life care into conversations about financial and estate planning. Fidelity leadership took a leap of faith and hosted Ellen Goodman, Founder of The Conversation Project, to speak to employees.  Several hundred of employees attended this event and expressed great interest in integrating end-of-life discussions into their line of work. Read this case study that exemplifies how financial planners can play a vital role in ensuring that their clients discuss what matters most to them.

No matter what professional services group you fall under (financial services, legal services, estate planning, insurance), one thing is certain: supporting your clients and their well-being is your top priority. Many professional service groups recognize that integrating The Conversation Project Conversation Starter Kits and other resources into their practice is one way to support and build deeper relationships with their clients and the next generation.

Click here to access this one-pager designed to support you as you bring the conversation to your clients.

Personal Stories and Letters to Loved Ones

A young woman shares the lovely story of her late grandmother who left behind an example to follow: make your wishes known and make them very clear. Click the link above to read her blog piece.

In a letter to her family and friends, a woman makes what matters most to her very clear. She shares the details of how she would want to live at the end of her life and how her loved ones can honor her wishes. Read her letter and follow her lead by writing your own letter!

Hattie Bryant pens a letter to her family about how she would like to live towards the end of her life. Recognizing that circumstances may become complex towards the end, she reminds her loved ones what she holds to high esteem and the values/wishes she would like to have honored if she cannot speak for herself. Read her letter, then write your own!

Physician and father, Ira Byock, MD, pens a piece about how fatherhood has shaped how he views the importance of having the conversation. His paternal perspective informs his understanding as doctor that “decisions about treatments are never just medical; they are always intensely persona.” Read his touching piece.

Reflecting on the near-death experience her husband underwent, Micki Jackson discusses how his willingness to have the conversation has prepared their children to cope with his death that will inevitably come. Micki encourages people everywhere to tell their fathers about The Conversation Project and get them talking about what matters most to them.

Community Calls

  • During our June Community Call (recording and slides), we gave an overview of The Conversation Project and our work in the community. The purpose of this call was to enable participants to bring The Conversation Project to individuals in your community where they live, work, and pray by provide them with information on tools and resources available online, guided questions to consider for their region, and examples of how to set and attain specific goals.
  • What’s coming next?
    • Join us on July 17th at 3 PM ET as the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care shares their latest findings and learning from their messaging research project. Lessons shared will include tested language for engaging the broader public, as well as targeted “segments” of the population, in conversations about what really matters to their life and health.
    • And, join us on August 21st at 3 PM EDT as our advisor to faith communities, Rev. Rosemary Lloyd, discusses Conversation Sabbath – the annual, national invitation to clergy to preach or teach on the vital importance of having The Conversation. Hear from groups as they describe how they are planning for this event and learn from their experience and lessons to date. Visit our Faith Resources page to learn more about Conversation Sabbath and how you can get involved.

Click here to register for both calls!

June Newsletters

Additional resources can be found on our Get Involved page.

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