

Welcome to Talking Matters, a blog featuring updates, stories, and interviews from The Conversation Project. Check back each week for a new post!

The reality of our current existence is that living online is literally a matter of life and death. Doing things virtually means lowering the risk of spreading the deadly coronavirus. In Judaism, pikuach nefesh, saving…

Clouds: Confronting Mortality through Film
By Steph Coulombre, 11/02/2020

On the evening that Disney Plus released Clouds – a new movie from the director of Five Feet Apart – I grabbed a box of tissues and braced myself for what I knew would be…

The Problem of Individualism in the Era of COVID-19
By Alejandra Salemi, 10/20/2020

“Hi, my name is Alejandra and I’m calling from the Florida Department of Health. Have you been given the results from your COVID-19 test?” This line was ingrained in my head. I spoke it hundreds…