

Welcome to Talking Matters, a blog featuring updates, stories, and interviews from The Conversation Project. Check back each week for a new post!

Artistic rendition of alzhiemers

Joanna Baker knows firsthand what it’s like to serve as caregiver to both of her aging parents, Dorthie, an 84-year-old mother with Alzheimer’s disease, and Ed, her 92-year old father. As an only child, she…

connie holden
Conversations about End-of-life as an Antidote to Moral Distress
By Constance Holden, RN, MSN, 08/16/2016

Researchers Hart, et al reported in JAMA (June 2015) that in spite of pre-existing expression of wishes, 25 percent of ICU patients received care that differed from what was desired and that 15 percent of patients with a DNR died after receiving CPR. Such divergence from stated wishes creates moral distress for staff and for family members? If families were prepared to advocate for the patient, would this still happen?

Reaching Our Neighborhoods
Posted on 08/09/2016

It’s a perfect summer day and you’re taking a long stroll through the neighborhoods of Cambridge, Massachusetts, where The Conversation Project is based. As you move along the brick paths, past the historic buildings and…