We’ve compiled a list of top, go-to resources we think may be most useful to catch the attention of those you want to reach during NHDD. Consider sharing one or more of these links leading up to/on NHDD and/or across the whole month of April. Share a link in email blasts, on social media, in a newsletter letting your audience know it’s in honor of April 16th being National Healthcare Decisions Day (pair a resource with a link to the NHDD website).
There are many more fantastic resources out there, we hope this sampling based on feedback from what’s resonating in our spheres of influence will help you take the guess work out of what you could share to jumpstart conversations. Add other resources in the comments below!
10 Blogs:
Each link below takes you to an intro page that offers sample text you can copy/paste into whatever communications method you are using as an introduction to entice people to click the link to read on.
- Three ideas for solo agers to keep in mind
- How not to be a swooper: Lessons from a seagull about caregiving
- Recognize caregivers as star players on the team
- With Dementia, More is Needed than a Boilerplate Advance Directive
- A guide to supporting others through a difficult diagnosis
- I received a tough diagnosis. How do I think and talk about what’s important in my care?
- How to tell someone your wishes when they don’t want to listen
- 11 ideas for when someone is having a hard time talking about their wishes for health care
- 10 ideas of things to do for National Healthcare Decisions Day (in 10 minutes or less)
- Thoughtful Icebreakers that lead to meaningful conversations
5 Videos:
Humor and real stories are great ways to help make what could be difficult conversations more lighthearted and accessible. Below are some of our favorites – short, fun, touching and one longer informational video clips – to help people think about and prepare for conversations. More videos from The Conversation Project can be accessed here.
- Ever wish you could rewind a conversation?
- Who will speak for you?
- Practice makes perfect
- Don’t Panic, It’s OK: A Letter to Loved Ones Making Difficult Choices
- When it’s time to have the conversation (informational video)
5 Articles / Podcasts
Oftentimes, sharing a link to a story with someone who loves to read, or a podcast with a regular podcast listener is just the needed spark to start an initial conversation to get folks thinking about NHDD. Consider sharing one of the below to prompt a conversation after reading/listening.
- End Well Podcast – thought-provoking talks from relationship experts, death doulas, nurses, comedians, and more on why having a healthy relationship with dying is the first step towards having a more joyous relationship with living
- How to create your advance care plan series with The Conversation Project, episode 4 and episode 5 – podcast series with host The Heart of Hospice (of 5 episodes in the series)
- End-of-life planning with loved ones can be hard. Here’s where to start– article via Vox
- The Conversation Project provides tools for talking about end-of-life– article via Seasons
- An ongoing discussion – article via Cancer Today
5 Useful Sites with Comprehensive Tools:
Consider pairing our Conversation Starter Guide, with one or more of the following comprehensive sites for resources to help people think, talk, decide, document, and be prepared with a plan for NHDD and beyond.
- PREPARE™ for your care – step-by-step program with video stories, advance directives in multiple languages and other tools
- 5 Wishes® – national advance care planning program, with resources to discuss and document care and comfort choices
- Cake – an interactive end-of-life planning websitethat helps people plan ahead for healthcare, legal, funeral, and legacy decisions
- MyDirectives.com – a service of ADVault, Inc., is a free online platform that allows individuals to create their own advance care plan or upload anything you already have to share it and keep it updated
- My Living Voice – by Vital Decisions, a secure, free online platform that makes advance care planning and documentation simple and effective
See this page for more resources and links to use for NHDD, including all our flagship Conversations Starter Guides (e.g. Choosing a Health Care Proxy, Being a Health Care Proxy, What Matters to Me Workbook, etc.), links to additional state-specific advance directives, and other comprehensive resource sites. And remember that while NHDD is celebrated in April, these resources/links could be useful to share across the year!
What other resources are your favorites? Please share in the comments below.
Want to keep connected to The Conversation Project for more ideas from other communities? Sign-up for our community engagement newsletter, follow us on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube), and feel free to reach us at ConversationProject@ihi.org.