

TCP Quarterly Community Activity Survey Results (September 2020)

Posted on 09/08/2020

Our team recently asked for your participation in our Quarterly Community Activity Survey. A huge THANK YOU to all who participated, especially given the priorities and continued difficulties our communities are facing right now.

We are happy to share results and proud of what you all have accomplished. 44 community groups or individuals responded, reporting 307 virtual events/activities from April through June 2020. Over 5,500 people were reached by these events. These activities combined with sharing materials, tools and messages on the importance of conversations through newsletters, email messages, social media, and traditional media outlets, totaled to over 480,000 engagements. We had 3 groups hosting over 30 events and one group, South Carolina Hospital Association and My Life, My Choices, hosting 90 events across the quarter (reaching over 1,000 community members). And, an additional shout out to the National Association of Social Workers and Honoring Choices Tennessee for reaching over 1,000 community members and The Conversation Project Boulder in CO for reaching just shy of 1,000 community members through their events. We are so humbled by the innovation and rapid switch to alternate means to reach and support individuals and families during this time. We saw a big spike in newsletter circulation and sharing of our COVID-19 guide and Conversation Starter kits.

The breakdown of total number of engagements is listed below (click on the image to see the breakdown clearly):





These are NOT easy times and we are so grateful for all our incredible champions who have shifted course so rapidly to meet the ever more urgent needs within your communities. THANK YOU to all who are sharing their stories and results with us through these surveys. Keep an eye on our blog site as we will share the stories we are hearing that are truly at the heart of our collective work.

Lastly, if you haven’t yet added your pin to our Conversation Champions map on our Get Involved page – or if you haven’t yet explored our map to see who is doing what across the country/globe – please click here!  And, please join the conversation on our Facebook Discussion group for champions to be part of the fabulous sharing of ideas happening across that platform.

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