

Bragging clip art

Publicity and Promotion of Your Community Efforts

By Kate DeBartolo, 06/14/2016

On this month’s national community call offered through The Conversation Project we will dive into a crucial community organizing strategy – Tooting Your Own Horn.

In our work with groups around the country we see amazing activity and coordination to spread the importance of conversations about end-of-life care wishes. Hundreds of individuals and organizations develop localized strategies to reach the public where they work, live, and pray. But often they forget to tell other’s about the great work they are doing.

While planning for ways to reach even larger audiences, or to effect long-lasting change in your region, it is critical to share your story, mission and work with the public. There a lot of ways individuals and groups can do this – and on tomorrow’s call will give you a lesson on Bragging 101 with the tips and tricks you need to get started:

  • Develop a media strategy – either social media or informing traditional local media outlets about your work.
  • Update your elected officials on the efforts underway in their jurisdiction – this helps you gain additional allies, exposure, and connections to other initiatives in the region.
  • Influence others to get involved or to push for solutions in local or federal legislation that promote your agenda.

Join us via WebEx on Wednesday, June 15th at 3 p.m. ET to learn how to toot your own horn effectively. You’ll hear from Teak Media about opportunities to engage and use various media channels and from The Pew Charitable Trust about how to inform your elected officials of your great work.

2 Responses

  1. Kathy Bassett says:

    I would love to join this event as it is directly applicable to my work, but have a scheduling conflict. Is there a way that I can listen or read a transcript later?

    Thank you.


  2. Wordle says:

    But often they forget to tell other’s about the great work they are doing.

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