
Blog: talking-matters

Welcome to Talking Matters, a blog featuring updates, stories, and interviews from The Conversation Project. Check back each week for a new post!

Library filled with books

Writers from all walks of life continue to lead their readers to mingle with death—get to know it from a distance. They urge readers to familiarize themselves with their inevitable acquaintance (so to speak). Below is a list of books that our audience has recommended to us. Each book, written through vastly different lenses, offer the idea that by confronting death, we all will be more likely to live life with a little bit more intentionality.

Woman with a thought bubble sitting beside a man looking at his laptop

We’ve asked community members to share how they are planning their work (to spread the importance of end-of-life care conversations) so it continues in the long run. The five most common ways groups or individuals are ensuring this work lives on are listed here.

Headshot of Ira Byock laughing

…an advance directive is a way of extending my fatherly caring into a future when I will be the object of attention – and emotional distress. Envisioning such scenes, I imagine that my daughters might wish for my arm around their shoulders.

"New resources April 2019" written on a white circle over an orange background.

This past April, The Conversation Project produced and helped develop a multitude of new resources designed to further our initiative of ensuring that everyone, everywhere expresses their end-of-life wishes and that their wishes are respected….