Looking for ideas for promoting National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) in your community? Hundreds of local, state, and national groups across the country are gearing up and knee-deep in planning for April 16. We’ve compiled…
Looking for ideas for promoting National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) in your community? Hundreds of local, state, and national groups across the country are gearing up and knee-deep in planning for April 16. We’ve compiled…
We can’t plan for everything. But we can talk about what is most important — in our life, and in our health care — with those who matter most. National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) on…
Allison Royal writes about the bond she shared with her Nana. She shares their routines as she took on more caretaking tasks and some of the ways she was able to answer questions and provide comfort.
The year of 2021 was a roller coaster for sure, and it was filled with challenges, heartaches, growth, opportunity, new inspiration, and powerful stories. Our team was busy pulling together materials to support you in…
When you grow up medically fragile, mortality is always on the forefront of your mind. When you grow up as one of a handful of minorities and persons with a disability in an extremely homogenous…
“I’m too young for this.” “What does this mean for my future?” “Am I going to age faster than everyone else?” These are questions I asked myself and my doctors over and over again when…