

Sample Letter to Invite Your Congregation to Conversation Sabbath

Posted on 09/29/2015


This upcoming November, dozens of congregations in the Greater Boston will unite for Conversation Sabbath, a city-wide celebration that is a tremendous opportunity for congregations, regardless of religious denomination, to celebrate their readiness to talk about a topic that touches us all: the reality of our mortality.

We want to invite as many congregations as possible to participate so we’re asking for your help. Below is a sample letter that you can use to encourage your congregation’s participation. Fill in the relevant personal information below and send to your clergy leader. We hope you will join us!


* If your liturgical calendar makes preaching on these dates impossible, please consider committing to do so on another November weekend.


Dear _______,

I would like our congregation to commit to preaching or teaching on the importance of having The Conversation with loved ones about unique, values-based wishes for care through the end of life during a city-wide celebration this November 6-15 2015. Our congregation can unite with other congregations, share our faith’s teachings on this critical topic and encourage our congregants to talk about what matters most to them before a medical crisis in the ICU. Studies show that while 90 percent of Americans say it’s important to discuss their own and their loved ones’ wishes for end-of-life care, fewer than 30 percent actually do. The faith community is a powerful voice for change. Together, we can narrow this gap.

Conversation Sabbath is a celebration of our readiness:

  • Our readiness to talk about a topic that touches us all: the reality of our mortality
  • Our readiness to share our wishes for care through the end of life with our loved ones and doctors
  • Our readiness to ground our conversations about the kind of care we want in our values and faith.

Partnering congregations who join Conversation Sabbath will be promoted through The Conversation Project’s social media platforms, its newsletter and in press materials to the website. Additionally, The Conversation Project will soon be providing sample sermons as well as suggestions for readings, prayers, and supplemental programming on its website’s community resource center.

Please commit our congregation by e-mailing The Conversation Project’s Advisor to the Faith-Based Communities Reverend Rosemary Lloyd.

Our voice will make a difference in how everyone’s unique wishes for care through the end of life will be expressed and respected.



If you want to change the culture of dying in America, invite your congregation to participate and/or share this post with a friend or family member.

2 Responses

  1. Tike says:

    A really good answer, full of ranlitaoity!

  2. The smile that has been soaked in tears is the most brilliant, and the soul that comes out of the confusion is the most sober.

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