

Ellen Goodman screenshot

Q&A Video Series with Ellen Goodman

Posted on 02/23/2016

For this week’s Talking Matter’s blog post we bring you a special Q&A video featuring Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist and founder of The Conversation Project, Ellen Goodman. We sat down with Ellen to have her respond to some of the most frequently asked questions The Conversation Project receives.


Ranking at the top of the charts is: “What was it like for you to have to make decisions for your mother at the end-of-life … without having had the conversation …?”



Be sure to tune in to Talking Matters as the Q&A series unfolds each month for more responses and be sure to add your questions and comments below!

2 Responses

  1. Dana Hard Orlandi says:

    This subject is so important. It’s a great thing that these conversations are being had.
    My grandmother & I never talked about end-of-life issues & i wish we had & I know
    she would have been willing but I did not know what to do. She died with so many
    things being unsaid by both her & me. Thank you.

  2. Jane Bouvier says:

    Reminds me how important music is in our lives.

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