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U.S. News and World Report: Margie Jenkins apologizes for being slow to respond to a recent email, saying she has  just returned from a cruise to celebrate her 90th birthday. Jenkins  believes in living the good…

WMCLive.com: Robin on the Supreme Court’s docket and Turkish women’s protests. Guests: Pamela Ribon, Derby Doll turned comic; Saru Jarayaman, restaurant workers‘ organizer; Ellen Goodman reforms end-of-life-care; human rights  lawyer Jessica Neuwirth’s surprise ‘take’ on government…

ThisGivesMeHope.com: My partner and I are nearer the end of our life than the beginning. We have talked about our wishes, but The Conversation Project reminds me we still have a lot of loose ends…

Vector: Does clinical medicine have the courage to lead health care reform? A former pediatric resident at Boston Children’s Hospital recently asked this question before a standing-room-only audience during the hospital’s annual Blackfan Lecture. I’m talking…

AARP: Wanna talk about death? It seems that a lot of people do. Death cafes are popping up around the country, with more than 60 so far. You will be hearing a lot more about them. (I…