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This month, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a proposal to cover provider/patient time for conversations about end-of-life care. The commenting period for Medicare’s proposal to cover end-of-life care counseling began on July 15. We need the…

Boston Globe — The news earlier this month that Medicare plans to reimburse doctors for conversations with patients about medical treatment at the end of life represents an important step forward for public policy in…

Kansas Health Institute News Service –“Longevity is good in general. In the specifics, it becomes a very different picture,” said John Carney, head of the Center for Practical Bioethics in Kansas City, Mo., a nonprofit group…

How to Talk About Dying
Posted on 07/14/2015

New York Times–I was 25 when I flew home for my father’s last birthday. His cancer had returned and he would die three months later at the age of 57. What I remember most about…

US News and World Report– A proposed rule permitting the government to reimburse doctors for talking to patients about how they want to live their final days has re-emerged to decidedly less furor than when opponents tied it…