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Center for Practical Bioethics: A new endeavor has been launched aimed at helping people talk about their wishes for end of life care. It’s called The Conversation Project and the co-founder and director of the…

Scope: Last Friday, CommonHealth’s Carey Goldberg posted a moving account of a discussion she had with her 85-year-old father about his wishes for his end of life. Death is something that few people want to talk…

How Do You Want It to End?
Posted on 08/20/2012

The New Old Age: Among the many things that Ellen Goodman has done — written a widely syndicated column, published books, won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary, given probably hundreds of talks on topics from…

SevenPonds: 60%of people say that making sure their family is not burdened by tough end-of-life healthcare decisions is “extremely important”. 56% have not communicated their end-of-life wishes with anyone. To address these facts, former Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist…

Healthcare’s Latest Conversation
Posted on 08/15/2012

Forbes.com: The Conversation Project just launched this week. Co-Founded by Pulitzer Prize winning author Ellen Goodman, the Project is designed to foster and promote end-of-life conversations – and “to have every person’s end-of-life wishes expressed and respected.”…