Naomi Edmondson, a death doula, shares her story of loss and how her role as a death doula has brought her to mingle with her mortality. She invites readers into her experience of what it…
Naomi Edmondson, a death doula, shares her story of loss and how her role as a death doula has brought her to mingle with her mortality. She invites readers into her experience of what it…
Deborah Szeto, a young ICU nurse, shares how her personal identity, profession and family dynamics–all on the backdrop of the global pandemic–transformed her engagement with end-of life care conversations. She welcomes readers to various regions…
This past summer, we put out a call for guest bloggers to contribute to our portfolio of stories. People all over sent us pitches and shared their personal narratives about their experiences and musings around…
The “What Matters to Me” Workbook was jointly created by Ariadne Labs and The Conversation Project to help people with a serious illness think through and talk about what matters most to them – to make sure…
“…I realize just how special my father was in his thoughtfulness, how much he taught me about death and dying, how important it is to conduct affairs in such a way as to leave a…
When it comes to issues of mortality, all of us have a story to tell. We want to know how your identity, expertise, and personal life experiences have impacted the ways in which you perceive,…