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Forbes: How do we do it? How do we have this conversation and agree on our general end-of-life desires long before the occasion arises? We need to change our culture around dying. Conversations about end of…

The Conversation Project
Posted on 10/05/2012

Health In Aging: It’s not easy to contemplate the end of your life and consider what kind of care you do, and don’t, want when that time comes. And it’s equally difficult to talk with…

Let’s Have a Chat About Death
Posted on 10/02/2012

The San Francisco Chronicle: Have you thought about dying lately? I don’t mean in some morbid, obsessive way, I mean in a practical sense. Have you thought about dying? It’s going to happen to you,…

WBUR Here & Now: There’s a subject most of us say is extremely important: making sure our family is not burdened by difficult end-of-life decisions. A recent survey by the California Health Foundation found that…