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Deseret News: When Ellen Goodman’s dad was dying of terminal cancer at age 57, his wife bought him a set of luggage as a birthday gift. Denial, says Goodman, a retired Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist, ran fiercely…

US News & Weekly Report: Training doctors in palliative care is challenging in its own right, but begs the question of how to convert the public to a different way of approaching stressful and emotional…

The Boston Globe: There are growing efforts — some grassroots, others state-initiated — to help ease anxiety around end-of-life conversations and explain the often-confusing medical terms and choices patients face at this time. Here are details…

Fierce With Age:  Have You Had The Conversation? Ellen Goodman’s new online initiative promoting honesty and acceptance about death and dying asks Boomers to consider that “aging demands the same mindset as feminism.” “Too many people…

Immense Possibilities: COHO (Choosing Options, Honoring Options) and The Conversation Project are helping people begin one of the most important and difficult–and, they often discover–most rewarding conversations they’ll ever have with loved ones nearing the…