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Conversations that Matter
Posted on 09/07/2012

At the End of Life Blog: Every day I am confronted by the snarl of technology-gone-awry known as the American system of healthcare. The good news is we have the best healthcare technology available. The…

An Interview with Martha Hayward
Posted on 09/05/2012

Seven Ponds Blog: Martha Hayward is the Lead for Public and Patient Engagement at the Conversation Project, a Boston-based non-profit “dedicated to helping people talk about their end-of-life wishes.” The Conversation Project offers conversation-starters, information…

The Boston Globe: Rabbi Howard Kummer spent years guiding others through wrenching life-and-death decisions. As a chaplain at Newton-Wellesley Hospital, he ministered to patients tethered to life support machines, and would later tell his wife…

The Conversation Project
Posted on 08/29/2012

Info Long-Term Care: The Conversation Project is dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care. The Conversation Project began in 2010, when Ellen Goodman and a group of colleagues and concerned media, clergy,…