ABIM Foundation: At a very stressful and emotional time, my wife and sister-in-law were left guessing what exactly those words meant and what their mother would want (because of my mother-in-law’s dementia, my sister-in-law has…
ABIM Foundation: At a very stressful and emotional time, my wife and sister-in-law were left guessing what exactly those words meant and what their mother would want (because of my mother-in-law’s dementia, my sister-in-law has…
Elder Authority: No one wants to talk about death, grief, loss or incapacitation. So we don’t. The statistics are awful. Most people say that making sure their family is not burdened by tough decisions is…
Harvard Press: In what many people consider the worst cases, we don’t die at all, at least not for a long time. Instead we live on for months or years in a vegetative state, or with…
San Jose Mercury News:The POLST is designed for the chronically ill or the “very elderly” like Bayless, defined as anyone over 85. Printed on bright pink paper and signed by a doctor, it is a…
eFuneral: Most people say it’s extremely important that their families are not burdened by end-of-life decisions. But for many, it’s uncomfortable to begin conversations around end-of-life and it’s confusing to think about all the details…
Kentucky.com: To ensure individuals receive the end-of-life care they want and avoid unwanted hospitalizations, it is important to make wishes known through advance-care planning. Research all the options, talk to your health care team to…