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Why are Doctors so Bad at Telling Patients They’re Dying?
By Bob Tedeschi, STAT Online News, 02/02/2016

Dr. Janet Abrahm was in a hospital cafeteria when she heard the oncologist and his patient nearby. “Your husband isn’t here?” he said. “OK, well, let me tell you anyway. Your leukemia has returned.” Doctors…

A parting lesson from my parents
Posted on 12/24/2015

Boston Globe — We often try to keep our personal and professional lives separate, but sometimes they collide unexpectedly. That happened to me over the complex and delicate issue of end-of-life care, where our health system still…

Next Avenue – About to board a flight back to his district, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., is downright effusive, calling a health care policy that takes effect Jan. 1 “profound” and nothing short of “revolutionary.”…