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Practice Makes Perfect – Video
Posted on 11/03/2017

We know that starting conversations about end-of-life care wishes with your loved ones can be hard – we’re here to help. Download our free Conversation Starter kit.

Let’s Talk About Death
By Isabel Merrin, TEDxTufts, 06/05/2017

In her TEDxTufts talk, Isabel Merrin tackles ideas about death and dying, and why young people are so afraid to have these tricky conversations. Through her experiences working in hospice care, Isabel has developed a…

Why You Need a Health Care Proxy and How to Choose One
By Debbie Reslock, Next Avenue, 06/02/2017

Dr. Javette Orgain, a physician at VITAS Healthcare in Chicago, Dr. Jessica Zitter, featured in the documentary Extremis, and Ellen Goodman, founder of The Conversation Project, run down what you need to know about picking…

Lessons on Dying From David Bowie and My Friends
By Susan Gubar, New York Times, 10/18/2016

After David Bowie released a video about his cancer death, I realized that two members of my support group had been conducting tutorials on dying with me. Their teaching styles differed, as did the content…

A Letter to the Doctors and Nurses Who Cared for My Wife
By Peter DeMarco, New York Times, 10/17/2016

As I begin to tell my friends and family about the seven days you treated my wife, Laura Levis, in what turned out to be the last days of her young life, they stop me at about the 15th name that I recall. The list includes the doctors, nurses, respiratory specialists, social workers, even cleaning staff members who cared for her…