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Death: What Are Your Choices?
Posted on 07/09/2013

ABC Health and Wellbeing: Death is a lot like birth. Sometimes it’s a peaceful, even beautiful event that goes according to plan. Sometimes it’s a horrible bloody mess that is utterly beyond all control. Most of…

Wicked Local Cambridge: Harriet Warshaw, executive director of the Conversation Project of Cambridge — a national public engagement campaign supporting “respectful end-of-life  care,” participated in a committee hearing, “Renewing the Conversation:  Respecting Patients’ Wishes and Advance…

End of Life Blog: I have three areas of concern about Advance Care Planning. First is the continuing lack of Medicare payment for end of life discussions with an individual’s physician. There is some hope that…

Two Web Sites to Visit
Posted on 06/28/2013

The New York Times: Earlier this week, I mentioned two of the more absorbing blogs I’ve come across recently, other corners of the online world where people are talking about aging and caregiving and the final…