Portsmouth, N.H — Lydia Valdez was 8 years old and getting ready for bed one night when she casually asked her mother a question from across the room. “Mom, do you think if I died…
Portsmouth, N.H — Lydia Valdez was 8 years old and getting ready for bed one night when she casually asked her mother a question from across the room. “Mom, do you think if I died…
Politico — This is the moment in the year when we assess the past, bid farewells and wipe our slates clean. 2015 may well go down as a year of demagoguery, or Trump-agoguery, if you…
The recent changes in the Medicare reimbursement policy provide an opportunity for more clinicians and patients to engage in end-of-life conversations. However, many people are confused about where to start. Join us on January 13, 20,…
Boston Globe — We often try to keep our personal and professional lives separate, but sometimes they collide unexpectedly. That happened to me over the complex and delicate issue of end-of-life care, where our health system still…
Next Avenue – About to board a flight back to his district, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., is downright effusive, calling a health care policy that takes effect Jan. 1 “profound” and nothing short of “revolutionary.”…
NY Times — It seemed like a logical idea, the congressman told me, and not a particularly radical one. American health care tends to encourage doctors to make money by ordering more tests and procedures…