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At the End of Life, What Would Doctors Do?
By Dr. Ira Byock, New York Times, 06/30/2016

Americans have long been chided as the only people on earth who believe death is optional. But the quip is losing its premise. A recent profusion of personal narratives, best-selling books and social entrepreneurs’ projects…

Two organizations are unifying in an effort to change the way Americans approach advance care planning. In a survey conducted by The Conversation Project in 2012, 90 percent of respondents said they believe it is important to discuss their end-of-life care wishes. Yet, that same survey also found that only 30 percent of those individuals are actually having the conversations.

Don’t let polarizing politics derail how we talk about death
By Ellen Goodman, The Washington Post, 06/08/2016

In the end, the personal was political. What brought the 78-year-old California governor and former Jesuit seminarian to sign the law that will allow doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs to terminally ill patients was thinking…

Like Tears in Rain
By Clementine Ford, 05/24/2016

Clementine’s mother always had a plan for how she would like to leave this world. However, like so many other things life, events did not allow her the “mythical ending” she always believed she would…

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                              MEDIA CONTACT: Katie Stinchon (617) 269-7171                                                                                                katie@teakmedia.com CAMBRIDGE, Mass. | Families caring for loved ones with cognitive impairments face special challenges when it comes to managing their end-of-life care.  Often caregivers of patients…