
What’s New

The latest trainings, kits, and articles from The Conversation Project. Check back weekly for updates!

Looking for ideas for planning for and promoting National Healthcare Decisions Day (NHDD) in your community? We’ve pulled together some of our most frequently asked questions about planning for NHDD and created a roadmap with specific…

The idea of planning for care through the end of life seems distant and hard to grasp for a lot of us — especially those considered young or without current health conditions. When are we…

People don’t necessarily want to engage with a message. But a story? YES!  It’s like, “Oh hey, let me hear what happened to somebody else.” Read more from Elizabeth Coplan’s new blog “How Stories Open…

Our second communications toolkit to match our theme for February and March can be found here. Our theme for communications across our channels will be Planning ahead and making your wishes known. Picking a health care…

Bringing Conversations to Work
Posted on 01/12/2023

In this blog post, authors Mindy Rickard of the Health District of Northern Larimer County and Amanda Meier of The Conversation Project in Boulder County, share their experience reaching people where they work — “in…

Resource Recap: 2022 in Review
Posted on 12/05/2022

As 2022 comes to a close, we take some time for self-reflection. We are so grateful for all we have learned from you – individuals and communities who have shared so generously with us about…