
What’s New

The latest trainings, kits, and articles from The Conversation Project. Check back weekly for updates!

New Blog Post
Posted on 01/14/2019

It’s challenging to talk about death with loved ones, but this blog, The Gift of a Difficult Conversation, emphasizes the importance of having the conversation and offers tips to make the experience a positive one.

New Blog Post
Posted on 01/07/2019

The Conversation Project aims to provide to the opportunity to express end-of-life wishes to everyone, regardless of their situation. Read this moving blog piece, A Tremble and a Lump: Why Race Matters in End-of-Life Conversations,…

Featured Story
Posted on 11/27/2018

This months featured story, No One Needs to Be A “Die Hard“, is about what happened when a health care proxy/agent was established, but wishes may not have been discussed. If you have a story you want…

Access Your Starter Kit on Cake
Posted on 11/16/2018

You can now access The Conversation Starter Kit on Cake, a company that provides an easy, digital way to store and share your end of life care wishes and Conversation Starter Kit.

Community Call: Ensuring Equity
Posted on 11/12/2018

Learn about reaching diverse communities in our upcoming Community Call on Equity on Nov. 14th at 3 o’clock. Register Here. You can read more on ensuring equity on our blog.

Conversation Sabbath Oct.26-Nov. 4
Posted on 11/01/2018

Join the hundreds of clergy from across the country in preaching or teaching on the vital importance of having values-based conversations with loved ones about our wishes for care at the end of life. Register Here.