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ABC News: Ellen discusses The Conversation Project and why every family needs to talk about end-of-life issues. Ellen shares her own experience and explains why we will benefit from having this conversation. To watch the…

AARP Blog: Surveys show that 70 percent of people want to die at home, yet 70 percent die in hospitals or nursing homes. Who would want that to happen to them, their spouse, parent, or…

ABC Partnership
Posted on 08/15/2012

ABC News, in partnership with “The Conversation Project” is embarking on a bold experiment to help the modern American family tackle the sensitive topic of what each of us wants toward the end of our…

The Weston Mercury (UK): Weston Area Health Trust and Weston Hospice care has teamed up to improve end-of-life care as part of a ground-breaking project. The collaboration has recently been strengthened by a grant from the…