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eFuneral: Most people say it’s extremely important that their families are not burdened by end-of-life decisions. But for many, it’s uncomfortable to begin conversations around end-of-life and it’s confusing to think about all the details…

Kentucky.com: To ensure individuals receive the end-of-life care they want and avoid unwanted hospitalizations, it is important to make wishes known through advance-care planning. Research all the options, talk to your health care team to…

CDAPress: Over lunch one Sunday, the two pastors and Redman’s wife, Vira Melendez-Redman, batted around the what-if scenario of taking this topic to a bigger audience, opening it up to the community at large. Far from…

The Conversation of a Lifetime
Posted on 03/05/2013

Feisty Side of Fifty: Have you ever considered discussing end of life choices for your loved ones or yourself? Most of us would answer, “yes” to this question. However studies show that relatively few take the…