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Do Your Patients Need a “Mama Warrior”?
By Kelly McCutcheon, IHI, 03/03/2016

While I was at a Saturday morning lacrosse practice last year, I sat next to a fellow mother whose oldest child was playing alongside my own kindergartener and second grader. Our paths had crossed many…

How to Start an End-of-Life Book Club in Your Community
By Karen Wyatt, Huffington Post, 02/26/2016

Huffpost Healthly Living–If you are interested in overcoming our society’s fear of death and improving the way we handle the dying process, you might consider starting a year-long end-of-life book club in your community. It…

Humana Creates Living Will App
By WHAS11 , 02/22/2016

LOUISVILLE (WHAS11) — Looking to make your living will but don’t have a lot of down time?There’s an app for that. Louisville-based Humana has created the app called “MyDirectives Mobile.”It’s a mobile-based living and planning…

Advice to the Presidential Candidates on End-of-Life Issues
By Christian Sinclair, Pallimed, 02/05/2016

Tonight at the Democratic Town Hall, a New Hampshire voter, Mr Jim Kinhan asked a very important question of candidate Senator Hillary Clinton about care at the end-of-life and personal choices. While his question may…