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To make sure that none of the kids would be surprised at the time of my death

By Sandra
Posted on

I had the conversation with my family members.

I wanted them to know what my wishes are and to know whatever my husband did or did not do was with my blessing.
 I have a terminal heart condition and made sure i have a living will. my husband and i decided to sit the family down and have the talk. i wanted them to know what my wishes are and to know whatever my husband did or did not do was with my blessing. this was to make sure that none of the kids would be surprised at the time of my death. as a result we had an extended conversation that started with my wishes, went on to the terry schaivo story, and ended with our kids sharing how they agreed with my choices and what choices they would make for themselves. they also got to learn what my husband wants when his time comes.

I am so happy to see this project and know that so many families will benefit from this.

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