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Terry Ann Black, RN

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The Key

By Terry
Posted on

I wish I had the conversation.

There was no information as to where the safe deposit box was..it does not say on the key. We never found the box and knew that it might have held any or all of some valuable coins, stamps or money. Sadly, we will never know
I found the tiny safe deposit box key when I cleaned out my father-in-law’s apartment after is accidental death in a car accident. There was no information as to where the safe deposit box was..it does not say on the key. We never found the box and knew that it might have held any or all of some valuable coins, stamps or money. Sadly, we will never know. As an RN I decided to put together a workbook for all families to fill out so their loved ones would have the information they would need when the time comes. I have had thousands of people thatnk me for my work. you can see and/or buy my book, “Caring Is Not Enough, A Workbook for Emergency and End-of-Life Planning” on my website, www.caringisnotenough.net. It is easy to fillout and helps everyone begin “The Conversation”.

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