
Join the Movement

Are you interested in advocating for a better public understanding of advance care planning with NHDD?

NHDD is a very open and collaborative movement. We would be honored for you to join us!

At the bottom of this page are links to put your pledge on our map and distribution list. Please contact us if you have questions.    

What does it mean to participate?

Anyone that hosts a NHDD event, large or small, can be an official participant of National Healthcare Decisions Day.

  1. Pledge to participate. We want to have an idea of how many people will be joining our movement and help connect you to others in your region.
  2. Sign up for our newsletter. 
  3. Go to our Resources section to find more information and start planning!

Participation Map

See our map below for a list of participating organizations and individuals!

Please feel free to connect with other participants in your area. (Contact information is available by clicking on the location pins.)