

Audio Versions of our Guides

What is The Conversation Project?

Watch this video that captures the essence of TCP and how the conversation can start right at home.

Spanish version available

Pick your person

Watch our humorous take on the importance of choosing a proxy who would act with your wishes in mind

Spanish subtitles available.

Have a conversation with those who matter in your life

Wondering how to start? Watch this video for a few conversation starters.

Spanish subtitles available.

Ever Wish You Could Rewind a Conversation?

Don’t Panic, It’s OK: A Letter to Loved Ones Making Difficult Choices

Ellen Goodman Talks Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

A Soul Doctor and a Jazz Singer

Dr. Lachlan Forrow, MD, advisor to The Conversation Project, talks about what it means to his patients to have a good day. One terminally ill patient, Dolly Baker, says that for her a good day is one where she is able to sing.

Al Jazeera and The Conversation Project

The Conversation Project featured on Al Jazeera Tonight. This piece is a wonderful mix between personal stories and clinical experiences.

We Plan Weddings, but Not the End of Our Lives

Dedication to normalizing early and open end-of-life conversations often comes from personal experience. Marisette Hasan of the Carolina Center for Hospice and End-of-Life Care explains why her mother inspires her work.

Normalizing End-of-Life Conversations: The Role of Communities

Anyone over the age of 18 should make their end-of-life wishes clear to their loved ones, but few people do until they’re older. Tiffany Callender explains why the Horizon Foundation is leading community-based efforts to normalize end-of-life conversations.

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Audio Versions of our Guides

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