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Best gift you can give your family

By Suzanne
Posted on


I shared a previous story about NOT having the conversation with my dad. There is another item you can fill out that will be spare your family tremendous stress, time, and effort. It is a form called “Information to the Executor” or “Letter to the Executor”. Different formats can be found online.

I have also had the conversation about what I want for healthcare with my family. I figure it's one of the best gifts I can give them!
It goes into detail where important documents are located,all financial accounts,pensions, insurance, debts, etc. Some forms even have funeral instructions. This should be placed with your will. We have been trying to get my parents to fill one out for 5 years with no luck. So what happened when my father died? My mother didn’t know all the financial resources my dad had and it took a lot of time and effort to locate accounts and insurance. We still don’t know if we found everything that is due to her. I don’t want my children (or husband) to go through this so I have filled out my own ‘letter to the executor’ and included funeral instructions with the document. I have also had the conversation about what I want for healthcare with my family. I figure it’s one of the best gifts I can give them!

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